Wednesday, January 2, 2008


It is actually bordering on COLD here today. Right now we are in the upper 30's with a frost warning for tonight. See? I wasn't kidding about cold.
We are taking down the last bits of Christmas and getting it put away. Getting "Christmas Central" back to the "Guest Room" so that it is fresh and pretty for Bobbie who arrives on Friday. (We are gonna try to get the temps back up to upper 70's so Bobbie knows she is indeed in Florida!)

Joe is installing my new TiVo. In the last few months BOTH of my TiVos have dropped dead. You know how I feel about my TiVo. I consider it vital to human existence. And yeah, I don't give a rat's ass that my cable provider has DVR service that is cheaper. Can it do what TiVo does? Then shut up! I am violently loyal to my TV. I am so glad to have it (almost)back!

My other true love - NetFlix- has brought some joy into our lives during the TV writer's strike in the form of Eureka - Season One. This gem from the Sci-Fi channel has been entertaining us nightly as we catch up with a show I did not know existed. If you like quirky sci-fi with a bit of romance thrown in - give it a try. We are fans! And thanks to NetFlix who told me about it and thought we might love it based on what we have loved in the past.
I have been reading about Gratitude Journals on several scrapbooker's websites. I decided to do it as well. Steff and Joe are also joining in. The premise is that each day you write a small entry (can be as little as one word and as long as a sentence.)

You make 26 sheets with 2 sides (front and back) which equals 52 pages. One for each week of the year. You number 1-7 for each of the day's of the week. Now you have a space for every day of the year. The pages can be made from literally anything. My pages are cardstock, patterned paper, business cards, subscription cards, receipts, notebook paper etc. You use anything you have and basically recycle it making the journal unique to you with each page different. Cool!

Remember all that whining I did about the process of re-organizing my art studio? Who could forget that?! Here are some pictures of the room in all its organized and inspiring glory. This is the Reference Area. This is a quiet place to sit and read those fab books I have on the shelf above to be inspired or reminded of directions to my newest technique. The shelves contain pieces of art that inspire me and kitsch that makes me smile and has a story to it. Like DollFace and Mr Fox - they have become staples in the room and a part of our family history now.

Here is my new and improved art supply area. It may look similar to the way it was before but trust me, it works very differently. That is the part that was worth the effort.

I also repurposed my white boards. The left most one is a Design board - where I/or anyone can sketch project ideas, make lists of product needed, or make charts and plans. The middle one is the Inspiration board where I have things that inspire me personally. And the right ones holds cling mount stamps etc and is more visible storage.

I did not take a picture of one of my favorite new storage ideas. This was Steff's brainstorm. My clear stamps are now in an over the door 24 pocket clear shoe organizer (Target - $5.99). Now I can SEE each stamp in its clear pocket organized by catagory ( flowers/alphabets/words/circles etc. Love this!

So, I am organized and inspired and now documenting my gratitude each day. Sounds like a good start to the year.

BTW - please- COMMENT on the blog. If you are having trouble figuring it out, let me know. I want you to be able to ask questions, make comments and just say hi! Give it a try and tell me if it is not working for you.


Anonymous said...

If you are using AOL - pick the AOL sign in -type in your screen name and then type in your comment.
I will get an email that tells me you wrote and allow the comment to be published (this keeps strangers from posting Viagra ads or worse without my knowledge.)

Bobbie said...

Um.... froooooooost?! Should I be bringing my semi-winter coat?! YIKES!

And destroyed Tivos?! What is going on in your life?! I'm glad the room is looking so good... otherwise I'd be a little nervous for you. :)

P.S. I am super excited and fighting a sinus infection with all my might. GO SNOT, GO!