Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Yeah, what SHE said!

"Being bulletproof is about being fearless. It's about creating without giving a rip about what anybody else thinks. It's NOT about comparing or measuring or keeping score. It's about never giving in to the negative-nancy-pants and the dream-squashers that will crush your spirit if you let them. A Bulletproof Positive Attitude means keeping your eyes forward, your head high and carving out a serious path of your own. Your own way. When it comes to art: being bulletproof is the difference between making stuff and being stagnant. In life, being bulletproof is about rocking all night long - because this is the only chance you've got."

Kal Barteski


Unknown said...

Wow! I love that and I needed to read that today! Thanks for visiting my blog!-Shonna

Sara said...

LOVE IT! Love her blog! Her attitude really hits home! I'm experiencing people's expections and opinions trying to influence my attitude, and I'M NOT GOING TO LET IT HAPPEN!

Love your blog! Enjoy life!
