So, we were walking down a street in St Augustine heading towards the Hugenot Cemetery when I saw this really old drugstore. The side of it was all weathered boards. That is when I started yelling, "Hey, this is the perfect background for black and white shots! Pair up, smile and try not to look dehydrated on the inside and swimming in your own sweat on the outside. You can do this cos it is going to look so cool IF I can pull this off." F

"Hey, who made the teenager laugh? Tell me exactly what you said!"

This shot was taken after I said, "NO! You are in the same pose you always do. Do anything different! Turn back to back or anything!"

"OK, now our turn. Try to be playful! Holy crap, we are disgusting looking! Oh well - this is real. Take the picture!"
So, Tara, I know you would be proud of me for trying!!
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