Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fabric, fabric, fabric...

Had art day with Roben-Marie Friday. While she was working on wool felting, my goal was to find an organizational system for my fabric pieces. I filled this tote with metal pails and a box I had sitting empty waiting for a new assignment and then separated my fabric out by color and a couple of "specialty" categories like chenille.

I found this cute basket at my fave thrift store for 50 cents and knew it would be great for stacking something in it.

I have a collection of thrift store pillowcases that have beautiful fabrics and trims. Perfect for the new basket!

The folded cases fit nicely in the basket.

"And...perfect." Dan in Real Life - if you still haven't seen this movie - rent it right now. You can thank me later.


Bobbie said...

GORGEOUS - especially the pillowcase basket :)

Shelley said...

YOu are so organized, beautiful fabrics you have there too!