Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Making progress

This post-album mess became this again.

Ready for the next project.

Today I read Looking For Salvation at the Dairy Queen. It is a charming, quick read by a first time author with a distinctly southern voice. It was a nice break from my current book, 1984. I never read this and it seemed timely. So far, it is scary as hell. Scary as in how close we are to this already.

And to the other end of the spectrum - American Idol. I am enjoying watching the show as always. The guys stepped it up this week, which is a good thing, considering I think that most of the performances of both guys and ladies have been lackluster. I am hoping that Orlando Bloom (Luke Menard) and Overly Theatrical Controversy Boy (David Hernandez) are the ones to go this week.

As for the girls, I like Little Cute Girl (Ramiele Malubay). Don't really care who goes home in the girls but I prefer it be one of the blondes - I can't even tell them apart. I totally agreed with Alaina going last week - not so much Alexandrea Lushington. I liked her. Oh well...

Oh, and really - Paula needs to finish just one coherent sentence per show. She drives me crazy - really - "What I love..." "Your light..." "You know who you..." "Song choice..." "...purple hair."

Agony to watch...

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