it ain't always pretty - art journal piece

Art journal piece - front
art journal - back
Back in June when Angela visited and we made these little art journal books, she challenged me to do something so very different. She said - "work out of order, at random, whatever is inspiring you at the time." It was another way of pushing myself to live differently. I was immediately intrigued. Wow-not do things in order! Just do? So different and exciting and freeing.
So, I began this art journal book and it really documents the journey I have been on discovering who I am as an artist. The most surprising thing is what I can do. I could have told you a long laundry list of things that I have never tried but was quite sure that I could not do. (Those people that do that -fill in blank - they have something I do not have.) I did not realize that something was the willingness to do something outside their comfort zone and see what happened. Crap - I can do that. I can do anything if I am willing to do it like a beginner or even stink royally at it.
And loved the process. I explored, I opened up, and I posted my art where other people could see it and judge it. I took risks. Big stuff for me. And now the book is completed.

This may look like a little art journal to you. It is a world of possibilities to me. It is pieces of me that I have uncovered and accepted. Some that I have celebrated. And all that I have shared. Wow.
And in completely unrelated news - here is Samurai Jarrett on his way to his first high school party. A costume Halloween party. We assembled his costume from pieces from thrift stores with the help of the Jennings - especially Chelsea (BIG thank you to her!) and then as any scrapbooking mom would do - I embellished it.
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