Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Welcome, September.

September 1st. Sounds like a great time for a new start.

It reminds me of the first day of school, freshly sharpened pencils and the smell of a box of crayons - the 64 count with the sharpener in the back.

Today is the first day of class for me as I am taking Shimelle's

Details here

I have been watching for a new challenge preferably a class and this one seemed to fit the bill perfectly. Not too big, just challenge me creatively during this already busy month. I look forward to it and will share my results with you.

Also please take a minute and read this guest post on Roben-Marie's blog about Rae and her art. It is inspiring! Watch for the tutorial and give away of Rae's beautiful vintage fabric flowers!!

Here is the latest mail art I sent out to a new friend. This is the 90% done version. Once I address it and sew it closed it looks much more finished but has private info on it. I have discovered a new embellishment technique that I just love that I will share with you next week with a little tutorial. It happened by whimsy which is the very best kind of discovery.



So, hello blog friends. I missed you while I was away.

3 comments: said...

Hey Sandi - Thank you for your ongoing support of my ventures - YOU ROCK! I love the look of the new class you are taking - what is it about actually - sounds fun! Looking forward to your whimsically learned technique!
Have a great week - Rae

Bobbie said...

Missed you too!!!

Lorraine Bell said...

I am so happy to say that I was the very proud recipient of this beautiful mail art! Thank you Sandi for touching my life in a very special way! How lucky I am to be your "new friend!"