Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ten Random Things-

I am totally bored today. I have a cold and have no voice - and obviously, no gumption, so a list it is and no whining (I promise)

- I continue to enjoy working with Roben-Marie's digital product. She is so artsy and her product pushes me to think differently.

here's a little sneak peek of my latest work.

- It has rained alot in the past few days and our pool which was perfect is now ch-ch-ch-chilly.
- When I talk to friends far north of me, they are 10 degrees hotter than FL. Weird!
- Our Fourth of July was pretty low key. Maybe a bit too low key!
- My inspiration well seems empty. I need a shake up - wonder what that will be? Ideas?
- Rebates continue to come in the mail and they make my day every time. It never gets old.
- I am dreaming of a log cabin with a craftsman style to it. All those built-ins? Yes, please.
- I fell in love with Starbucks Strawberry Frappuccino during the 1/2 price introduction. Now I want more but won't pay full price! (got a coupon? ha)
- I saw Alice in Wonderland over the weekend and could not get into it. Tim Burton and I are just not soul mates.
- I am looking for a good book - any suggestions?

1 comment:

Ca.Me.Ke. said...

Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain. It's very entertaining