Monday, April 26, 2010

Ten Things

Ten Reasons my blog has gone quiet

  1. I am contributing to a private blog and my focus has been there.
  2. I haven't been crafting much lately.
  3. In the past month I have read about 10 nonfiction books about politics, history, geo-political influences, and religion. My brain is threatening to explode.
  4. Couponing - it is like a part time job but the pay is great!
  5. Relationships - I am very focused on the relationships in my life. Growing closer, building bonds, strengthening ties. It is my most important goal.
  6. TV sucks - can't even talk about that with you.
  7. Movies suck - haven't been to one since Avatar. Been to about 3 in the last two years. That is such a loss - I love the theatre experience but I am not paying $7 - $13 each for crap.
  8. I am more and more aware of the lack of privacy in our lives and there is not a whole lot that I want to discuss with data miners and archivers. Except this - YOU SUCK. Here's a book recommendation - read Little Brother by Corey Doctorow. Ask your friend to read it too as you are going to want to talk about this book afterward with someone.
  9. I think the whole craft blogosphere is pretty quiet and has been for months. Not sure what the cause is.
  10. Texting - oh so much more gratifying in an immediate kind of way.


Bobbie said...

I miss hearing from you but totally understand. You're in my thoughts and heart always! :)

Sara said...

Mine is Facwbook...and the time sucker that it is....