Friday, April 3, 2009

Hurry up and PANIC!

Holy Moley!

Did anyone else see Suze Orman on Oprah? Were you thinking - "wait a minute - yesterday was April Fool's Day. Surely, she is yanking us all and will soon wink at the camera"?

At one time, I liked Oprah - heck, I never missed her show. Now I TiVo it and delete most without even watching. At one time, I thought Suze Orman had some great financial advise. Now? I think they are irresponsible and completely out of touch. The irony of a millionaire and a billionaire sitting on a stage and telling the stunned and pummelled middle class to live on 50% of what you make, stop paying anything other than the minimum payment on your credit cards (a complete and sudden reversal of her advice for years) and STASH your CASH.
There was no explanation on exactly how you were to suddenly start living on half of your income. I am wondering if the mortgage companies will come and foreclose on HALF your house - you know, the half you aren't paying anymore. Go ahead and line your family up and have them count off even and odds. Ok Evens, you eat on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Odds, you get Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Saturday we will all fast together. Try not to faint while driving or operating heavy machinery.
What exactly would happened to our economy if we all immediately spent 50% less? Every person in the hospitality industry is now laid off. First thing to go is ordering out, eating out and the drive thrus. And Starbucks? Forget it. No vacations, no days trips, no coloring those gray roots, no manis or pedis, no newspapers, no magazines, no movies, no desserts of any kind.
If you are in health care, well, we are really going to need you now what with the clinical depression, suicide attempts sky rocketing and the violence over a M&M found between the couch cushions.
Hello? Did anybody think before they suggested this crap?
And Suze, we middle class people have been cutting for over a year now. We don't HAVE 50 % in our already cut to the bone budgets. Didja think we were living frivolously with no idea what is on the headlines each and every day? Did you think we weren't aware of our neighbors who are out of work, devastated by the loss of their employer held health insurance, and worried about how long they can hold on to their house that isn't worth anything anymore? Seriously? Did you?
The cherry on the arsenic laced cake was this article sent to me by my sister:
WASHINGTON (April 3) - Mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac plan to pay more than $210 million in bonuses through next year to give workers the incentive to stay in their jobs at the government-controlled companies.
That would be OUR money they are giving out while we are trying to find any fat in our budgets. And this is legal? Nobody is going to stop this? I am going to need that health care worker now because my head just exploded.
You can fix that, right?


Shelley said...

I am with you on this! Living on 50% - crazy!!

Sara said...

I think the point was to really cut to bare bones in your budget -- no premium cable, newspapers, magazines, etc. (Yeah, with so many magazines already out of business)...I took some of the discussion to heart and am/have really been cutting back...but I agree - if we all did everything exactly like they said, the economy would surely implode...the one point I really took to heart was we have to look forward -- there is no going back to how it used to be, if we really learn nothing from this, its destined to happen again...