Cope with higher prices, a self imposed driving moratorium and a couple of out of the blue bills that were unexpected and frankly, completely unwelcome. Come on, we are dancing as fast as we can over here!
I explained to my husband that the reason that we are able to do all that we are (meaning making it from paycheck to paycheck without the higher cost of everything just beating us to our knees) is that I have taken up Creatively Clever like a shield.

Luckily, I am in the same army as my sister who is the Queen of Creatively Clever. I am good but she is astounding. She has a coupon, a plan or an idea for everything we do. My job was to watch and learn. After some initial training, I am now second in command - like a vice president that can step in during any absence of the actual leader.
So we continue to shop in tandem (buy one, get one is buy one, get one and split the cost and then combine it with a $10 off your $50 order coupon for a deep discount), we plan fun activities for our families that cost little to nothing. We combine our errands so only one of us is driving making the gas go further for both of us. I buy a half a tank of gas for 2 weeks (a whole tank is just too depressing when that 6 rolls up on the total) and make it last. We go to free lectures at the library (the last one was good for a quick nap cos it was awful!), play games, Netflix movies, swim in the pool and have mandatory craft camp (yes, Billy!).
But you know what, it works. We are making this work. There are benefits to this new adventure in frugality. We appreciate things more - special is indeed special, we are closer to each other and we are all learning new budgeting skills.
We now need Creatively Clever t-shirts. Of course, on sale and with a coupon!
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